Conditions with initial filings due prior to commencing construction, or prior to
commencing construction of specified Project component(s)
Trans Mountain Expansion Project 2016
84 For Conditions 19, 122 and 152, an” independent certification body” is an internationally recognized company or organization, such as Lloyd’s Register
or Det Norske Veritas, which is able to certify compliance to statutory requirements. The independent certification body must have expertise in
pipeline integrity. The NEB reserves the right to accept or reject the certificate. In addition, the NEB’s decision is not contingent on the results of the
85 For Conditions 19, 122 and 152, “operating conditions” must include the Project-specific operating conditions, possible transient flow conditions, slack
flow conditions, and effects on operating pressure due to temperature changes.
Pipeline segment reactivation (Hinton to Hargreaves; Darfield to Black
Pines) – engineering assessment and certificate
Trans Mountain must file with the NEB for approval,
at least 6 months prior to
commencing construction
a) an engineering assessment for the above two pipeline segments, in accordance
with Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z662-15, Clauses 3.3 and 10.15.2; and
b) a certificate with a supporting report issued by an independent certification
stating unconditionally that the above two pipeline segments:
are fit for service for the specified operating conditions;
ii) meet all applicable requirements of CSA Z662-15; and
iii) will meet the hydrostatic test requirements outlined in CSA Z662-15, Clause 8,
at any time during the certified period.
The certificate must be valid for at least 5 years and be validated on an annual basis
during the certified period.
The supporting report must include the qualifications of the independent certification
body, the justification used to grant the certificate, and the expiry date of the certificate.
Existing NPS 24 delivery pipeline location
Trans Mountain must file with the NEB,
at least 6 months prior to commencing
, its decision on whether it intends to “relocate” the existing NPS 24
delivery pipeline to the Burnaby Mountain tunnel (i.e., replace it with a new third
pipeline in the Burnaby Mountain tunnel) and, if so, provide:
a) details of any required changes to the design, construction, and operation of the
proposed Burnaby Mountain tunnel;
b) a discussion of the factors Trans Mountain considered in deciding to
replace/relocate the existing NPS 24 delivery pipeline; and
c) an indication of when Trans Mountain expects to apply for NEB approval to
relocate/replace the existing NPS 24 delivery pipeline.
Transient hydraulic analysis on the existing NPS 24 delivery pipeline
Trans Mountain must file with the NEB,
at least 6 months prior to commencing
, the conclusions of the transient hydraulic analysis undertaken on
the existing NPS 24 delivery pipeline from the Burnaby Terminal to the Westridge
Marine Terminal. The filed conclusions must:
a) demonstrate that the analysis considered the occurrences of maximum surge
pressure in the existing NPS 24 delivery pipeline; and
b) support Trans Mountain’s decision to either retain or eliminate the proposed
relief tank at the Westridge Marine Terminal.