Conditions with initial filings due prior to commencing construction, or prior to
commencing construction of specified Project component(s)
Trans Mountain Expansion Project 2016
Marine Sediment Management Plan
Trans Mountain must file with the NEB,
at least 6 months prior to commencing
construction at the Westridge Marine Terminal
, confirmation whether or not
dredging is required at the Westridge Marine Terminal. In the event that dredging
is determined to be unavoidable during the expansion of the Westridge Marine
Terminal, Trans Mountain must file with the NEB for approval,
at least 4 months
prior to commencing construction
, and also include as part of its Westridge Marine
Terminal Environmental Protection Plan, a Marine Sediment Management Plan. This
plan must include:
a) a summary of any supplemental marine sediment survey results;
b) quantification of the area and the volume of marine sediment to be dredged
along with an explanation of the measures that have been taken to eliminate or
reduce the dredge footprint and volume proposed for disposal at sea;
c) results of sediment plume modelling for any areas to be dredged;
d) options for dredged sediment management, including the volumes of sediment
that will be re-used or disposed of at sea or on land, as well the criteria and
methods for determining how the dredged sediment will be disposed of at sea
or on land;
e) criteria and methods for determining how the dredged sediment will be
managed recognizing that any proposed disposal at sea will only be considered
for approval under the
Canadian Environment Protection Act, 1999
, if it is
demonstrated to be the most technically and environmentally preferable option;
f) confirmation that Trans Mountain will update the Westridge Marine Terminal
Environmental Protection Plan to include any relevant information from the
Marine Sediment Management Plan;
g) details of monitoring that will be undertaken during construction;
h) details of monitoring (both abiotic and biotic parameters) that will be
undertaken during operations, including a discussion on evaluating the level
of contaminants in the marine environment and any changes from pre-
construction levels, as well as a proposed reporting schedule; and
i) a summary of its consultations with Appropriate Government Authorities and
potentially affected Aboriginal groups. In its summary, Trans Mountain must
provide a description and justification for how Trans Mountain has incorporated
the results of its consultation, including any recommendations from those
consulted, into the plan.