Conditions with initial filings due prior to commencing construction, or prior to
commencing construction of specified Project component(s)
National Energy Board
Sowaqua Spotted Owl Mitigation Plan
Trans Mountain must file with the NEB for approval,
at least 6 months prior to
commencing construction of any Project component within the Sowaqua spotted
owl wildlife habitat area
, a Sowaqua Spotted Owl Mitigation Plan that includes:
a) a summary of results from supplemental surveys conducted in the Sowaqua
spotted owl wildlife habitat area;
b) the area of habitat potentially directly and indirectly affected by the Project;
c) a description of how an avoidance, mitigation, and offset hierarchy was
considered in the plan;
d) mitigation measures to be implemented, including all relevant measures
committed to throughout the OH-001-2014 proceeding, any new mitigation
measures resulting from supplementary surveys, detailed criteria using clear
and unambiguous language that describes the circumstances under which
each measure will be applied, and measurable goals for evaluating mitigation
e) an evaluation of offset options within or outside of the Sowaqua spotted owl
wildlife habitat area, an indication of the selected option, and the rationale for
the selected option;
f) details on post-construction monitoring of mitigation measures and offset
measures, including survey methods, corrective measures, detailed criteria
using clear and unambiguous language that describes the circumstances under
which each measure will be applied, any adjustments to the offset measures,
and a proposed reporting schedule;
g) a commitment to include results of the monitoring in the post-construction
environmental monitoring reports filed under Condition 151;
h) details on how the mitigation and monitoring measures are consistent with
applicable recovery strategies and action plans;
i) a description of how Trans Mountain has taken available and applicable
Aboriginal traditional land use and traditional ecological knowledge into
consideration in developing the mitigation plan including demonstration that
those Aboriginal persons and groups that provided Aboriginal traditional land
use information and traditional ecological knowledge, as reported during the
OH-001-2014 proceeding and/or pursuant to Condition 97, had the opportunity
to review and comment on the information;
j) a summary of its consultations with Appropriate Government Authorities, any
species experts and potentially affected Aboriginal groups. In its summary,
Trans Mountain must provide a description and justification for how Trans
Mountain has incorporated the results of its consultation, including any
recommendations from those consulted, into the Mitigation Plan; and
k) confirmation that Trans Mountain will update the relevant Environmental
Protection Plan(s) to include any relevant information from the mitigation plan.