Conditions with initial filings due prior to commencing construction, or prior to
commencing construction of specified Project component(s)
National Energy Board
Air Emissions Management Plan for the Westridge Marine Terminal
Trans Mountain must file with the NEB for approval,
at least 4 months prior to
commencing construction at the Westridge Marine Terminal
, an Air Emissions
Management Plan for the Westridge Marine Terminal that includes:
a) locations of air monitoring sites (on a map or diagram), including the rationale
for the locations selected;
b) confirmation that the new fixed air monitoring stations will be installed and
operating at least one year prior to commencing operations at the Westridge
Marine Terminal to establish robust local baseline data;
c) the methods and schedule for ambient monitoring of contaminants of potential
concern in air (e.g., particulate matter [including diesel particulate matter and
speciation of PM
], nitrogen oxides (including NO
), sulphur dioxide, hydrogen
sulphide, ozone, mercaptans, reduced visibility and volatile organic compounds)
following a recognized protocol (e.g. National Air Pollution Surveillance program
or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), and emissions source tracking;
d) representative meteorological data (e.g. wind speed, wind direction, air
temperature and relative humidity) for the monitoring period;
e) description of monitoring equipment and procedures for monitoring station
data recording, assessment, quality assurance and reporting details, including a
description of how the real time and non-continuous air quality monitoring data
will be made available to the public;
f) a particulate matter management plan;
g) a description of the public and Aboriginal communication and complaint
response processes;
h) the criteria or thresholds that, if triggered or exceeded, would require
implementing additional mitigation measures;
i) a description of additional mitigation measures that would be implemented as a
result of the monitoring data or ongoing concerns; and
j) a summary of its consultations with Appropriate Government Authorities,
potentially affected Aboriginal groups and affected landowners/tenants. In its
summary, Trans Mountain must provide a description and justification for how
Trans Mountain has incorporated the results of its consultation, including any
recommendations from those consulted, into the plan.