Conditions with initial filings due prior to commencing construction, or prior to
commencing construction of specified Project component(s)
National Energy Board
Worker accommodation strategy
Trans Mountain must file with the NEB for approval,
at least 3 months prior to
commencing construction
, a worker accommodation strategy, developed in consultation
with appropriate municipal or provincial authorities. The strategy must include:
a) a final summary of all proposed accommodations, including the location of any
temporary camp(s);
b) the number of workers that will be housed; and
c) a description of how the strategy addresses any concerns or requests raised in
consultation with municipal or provincial authorities.
In the event that temporary camp(s) are to be used, the strategy must also include:
a description of how the potential environmental and socio-economic impacts
have been assessed, and a description of all associated mitigation measures;
ii) copies of, or reference to, any mitigation or operational plans that will be
required or implemented for the camp(s), including a description of how Trans
Mountain has incorporated any additional mitigation measures into relevant
Environmental Protection Plan(s);
iii) copies of any necessary municipal or provincial permits for any camp(s) that
have been received 3 months prior to construction. If camp permits are not yet
in place 3 months prior to commencing construction, provide:
1) a list of the outstanding camp permits and a schedule for when these camp
permits will be in place; and
2) copies of any outstanding camp permits prior to commencing construction;
iv) copies or excerpts of all policies relating to the rules of conduct for workers
housed at the camp(s);
v) confirmation that all policies relating to the camp(s) will be provided to workers;
vi) confirmation that all policies relating to the camp(s) were made available to
all local communities and other relevant service providers in proximity to any
camp(s) that will be used for the Project; and
vii) a summary of its consultations with affected landowners/tenants where any
camp(s) will be located. Trans Mountain must provide:
1) a description of the information provided to landowners/tenants; and
2) description and justification for how Trans Mountain has incorporated
the results of its consultation, including any recommendations from those
consulted, into the Strategy.