Conditions with initial filings due during construction / prior to
commencing operations
National Energy Board
Contingency watercourse crossings
a) For any watercourse crossing where Trans Mountain will employ a contingency
crossing method instead of its proposed primary method, and where
Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s applicable “Measures to Avoid Causing Harm to
Fish and Fish Habitat” cannot be implemented, Trans Mountain must file with
the NEB
at least 30 days prior to commencing construction of the contingency
watercourse crossing:
confirmation of the contingency watercourse crossing method that will be
employed, the rationale for employing that method, and a summary of the
differences between the primary and contingency watercourse crossing
methods; and
ii) the following site-specific information:
detailed crossing-specific design drawings;
2. photographs up-stream, down-stream, and at the crossing location;
3. a description of the fish species and habitat that is present at the crossing
location, and if fish spawning is likely to occur within the immediate area;
4. a description of the composition of the riparian habitat at the crossing
location and an indication if the riparian habitat has a limiting effect on the
productive capacity of the watercourse, and if its removal or disturbance
represents a potential influence on fish communities;
5. the site-specific mitigation and habitat enhancement measures to be used to
minimize impacts;
6. any potential residual effects;
proposed reclamation measures; and
8. a discussion of the potential impacts to local fisheries resources within the
immediate area as a result of the crossing’s construction; and
b) For all other instances where a contingency crossing method will be employed
and all of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s applicable “Measures to Avoid
Causing Harm to Fish and Fish Habitat” will be implemented, Trans Mountain
must file with the NEB a notification,
at least 15 days prior to commencing the
contingency crossing
, that the contingency method will be employed. With this
notification, Trans Mountain must explain why the contingency method is being
employed and provide a summary of the differences between the primary and
contingency watercourse crossing methods.
c) Trans Mountain must confirm,
within 30 days after commencing operations
that any contingency watercourse crossing(s) identified to the NEB pursuant to
a) and b) were the only contingency watercourse crossing(s) implemented for
the construction of the pipeline.
Authorization(s) under paragraph 35(2)(b) of the Fisheries Act – Westridge Marine
a) In the event that Fisheries and Oceans Canada determines that the Westridge
Marine Terminal expansion requires Authorization under paragraph 35(2)(b) of
Fisheries Act
, Trans Mountain must file with the NEB,
at least 10 days prior to
commencing works specified in the respective Authorization(s),
a copy of that
Authorization; and
b) Trans Mountain must confirm,
within 30 days after commencing operations
that any
Fisheries Act
Authorization(s) required for the Westridge Marine Terminal
expansion were obtained from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and filed with the NEB
pursuant to a), or notify the Board if no Authorization(s) was required.