Conditions with initial filings due during construction / prior to
commencing operations
Trans Mountain Expansion Project 2016
Emergency Preparedness and Response Exercise and Training Program
Trans Mountain must file with the NEB,
at least 1 year prior to commencing
, an Emergency Preparedness and Response Exercise and Training
Program for the pipeline; the Edmonton, Sumas, and Burnaby Terminals; and the
Westridge Marine Terminal. The program’s objective is to demonstrate the continual
improvement of responder competencies (including control centre personnel) at
all levels of the company to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the
potential effects of emergencies of any type, including tank fires and earthquakes.
The program must include the following:
a) a defined scope, other objectives in addition to those noted above, and program
targets that address responder turn-over and ensure responders’ ongoing
training and practice;
b) a list of mandatory courses for responders;
c) a discussion of how Trans Mountain will train its personnel to respond to
all hydrocarbon spill scenarios in various seasons, including releases of
hydrocarbons in mountain regions during winter conditions, into ice covered
watercourses, into watercourses under varying flow conditions and into
waterbodies (aquifers or streams)
that are used as municipal water supply
d) a description of, and schedule for, all emergency response exercises (full-scale,
tabletop, drills, functional) that Trans Mountain will conduct prior to operations
to test a variety of scenarios;
e) a plan, including rationales, for determining the schedule and frequency of all
emergency response exercises (full-scale, tabletop, drills, functional) to test a
variety of scenarios during the Project’s operational life;
f) a discussion of how emergency response exercises will meet the objectives of
testing Trans Mountain’s:
emergency response procedures;
ii) company personnel training;
iii) communications systems;
iv) response equipment;
v) safety procedures; and
vi) the effectiveness of its liaison and continuing education programs;
g) a learnings implementation plan for exercises that considers how Trans
Mountain will update and amend its Emergency Response Plans and related
documents following exercises. The learnings implementation plan must
consider three main purposes:
to validate plans;
ii) to develop Trans Mountain responder competencies (including control centre
personnel) and provide them with the opportunity to carry out and understand
their roles in emergency response;
iii) to test Project-specific emergency response procedures;
h) a plan for addressing the training requirements contained within the
Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulation
; and
i) confirmation that an independent third party has reviewed and assessed the
Emergency Preparedness and Response Exercise and Training Program and that
Trans Mountain has considered and incorporated the comments generated by
that review and assessment into the program.